Module 0: Introduction to Franchise Brokering

Introduction to Franchise Brokering

Module 0 • 1 Lesson

List of Modules

Introduction to Franchise Brokering Module 0 • 1 Lesson
The Advancement of Human Potential
Module 1 • 1 Lesson
Hurting vs. Healing People
Module 2 • 1 Lesson
Exploring Organizational Culture
Module 3 • 1 Lesson
Choosing Your Broker Network
Module 4 • 2 Lessons
Learning the Business Appraisal Wheel
Module 5 • 8 Lessons
FBA’s Distinctive Framework
Module 6 • 4 Lessons
Making An Informed Decision
Module 7 • 2 Lessons

In this introduction, you’ll take the first step of your transformative journey, learning what a Franchise Broker really is (more than a Google search will tell you), uncovering the ethos of our organization and understanding the depth and responsibility of this career path. In doing so, you’ll be positioned to make a clear, informed choice about your place in the dynamic world of franchising. Whether you’re searching for a career transition or furthering your understanding, this module sets the stage for a profound exploration of what it truly means to be an FBA Franchise Broker.

Lesson 1: What to Expect in This Course

So, you want to learn about Franchise Brokering?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! And by reading this right now, you’re already ahead and on your way to a BIG decision – one that, by the end of this course, will be clear to you.

In this course, you’ll find not just knowledge and expertise, but also a community. A community of courageous individuals, committed to pursuing the life they deserve. 

How do they do this, you may wonder?

They start by making informed choices about franchising. And that’s precisely what this course will educate you on. Here’s what you can expect:

You’re about to embark on an exploration of the franchise industry, specifically becoming a Broker. This is a special opportunity – one where you will guide prospective buyers towards GOOD franchises that align with their dreams and goals. Sort of like how we’re helping you decide if becoming a Broker is right for you, you’ll have the chance to help others see their light and potential, too.

This course is your map – tailored to be interactive, challenging, and insightful. We hope you take full advantage of it.

It’s normal to have fears and doubts. However, you can move through any limiting belief – the belief that you “can’t” do it. Those thoughts keep you trapped. And to become free, you must remind yourself that you’re meant for more. You must BELIEVE it, too.

You possess talents and skills that are unique to you. In fact, most of our Brokers have some combination of unique skills as well, which make them highly successful in this industry. 

As we navigate through the course, you’ll know which skills will be beneficial to you in this business.

Will you allow yourself to unravel these talents and gifts?


We encourage you to take notice of any aspect of the business opportunity that triggers both your strengths and weaknesses. Nothing great ever came easy, so remember that challenging yourself is okay. It means you’re growing and embracing your potential.

We’ve structured this course into 7 detailed modules, with lessons and reflective questions in each. As you progress, you’ll continue to absorb a greater understanding of the life of an FBA Franchise Broker. From business ethics to operational insights – get ready to dive deep into our world.

At FBA, we’re not just about selling franchises. We’re about selling GOOD franchises (you’ll hear this frequently). We find franchise opportunities that align with a buyer’s long-term goals and aspirations, not just the ones that look good on paper (or a paycheck). As a Broker, you have the chance to change people’s lives by guiding them towards the right franchise opportunity.

This is a BIG responsibility and requires the right people with the right mindset.

Throughout this journey, one question will keep emerging – “Which type of Broker do you want to be?” The one driving sales at any cost, or the one ensuring your buyers’ needs are met without compromise?

It sounds like an obvious answer, but there are people out there who do this job for a potentially high commission check. Do you think those are the types of professionals we’re looking for in our training program?

If you said no, you’d be right.

By the end of these modules, you’ll either be on board with our ethos and eager to join the FBA Franchise Broker community or you’ll decide to walk away. Both are perfectly okay. We encourage you to learn, experience, and make the choice that feels right for you.

This is a go at your own pace course. We don’t want to rush your decision – because at the end of the day – your timeline, your goals, and your choices can only be made by you. And the you that is mentally clear and free from pressure will make the best decisions. But we assure you that when this course is through, you’ll have your answer. 

It’s that simple.

Those who are right for this business opportunity with us will know that becoming a Franchise Broker is their calling. We have hundreds of Brokers to testify to that truth.

Are you ready to find out?

  1. What is causing you to consider a new business? 
  2. What are your natural gifts and talents?  (Take Zorakle to validate your assessment)
  3. If you became a Broker, are you more sales or consultative in your style? 
  4. How have you kept the clients interest in the forefront of your business dealings?
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