Module 2: Hurting vs. Healing People

Hurting vs. Healing People

Module 2 • 1 Lesson

List of Modules

Introduction to Franchise Brokering
Module 0 • 1 Lesson
The Advancement of Human Potential
Module 1 • 1 Lesson
Hurting vs. Healing People
Module 2 • 1 Lesson
Exploring Organizational Culture
Module 3 • 1 Lesson
Choosing Your Broker Network
Module 4 • 2 Lessons
Learning the Business Appraisal Wheel
Module 5 • 8 Lessons
FBA’s Distinctive Framework
Module 6 • 4 Lessons
Making An Informed Decision
Module 7 • 2 Lessons

In Module 2, we explore the dichotomy of ‘hurting’ versus ‘healing’ mindsets. Understanding and embodying the ‘healing’ mindset is a cornerstone of successful, ethical Brokering. Through introspection and vivid scenarios, this module challenges aspiring Brokers to assess their core motivations and alignment, emphasizing that at FBA, we prioritize genuine client benefit over transactions. Discover where you stand and how your mindset can shape your impact in the industry.

Lesson 1: Why Mindset Matters

In our previous lesson, we explored the profound role of a Franchise Broker. 

You will have learned that our Brokers are much more than business facilitators, but rather instrumental figures in the journey of individuals towards their higher potential.

Now let’s turn our attention to the qualities that are essential for someone to effectively carry out this role.

You know the adage, “hurt people, hurt people”? Well, the opposite is true, too.

Healing people, heal people.

This is a CORE belief at our Association, and we are looking for those rare professionals who have moved beyond the hurting people stage and instead operate their days as healing people. These are individuals who lift others while uplifting themselves.

We’re going to define both, and you can determine (with grace and honesty) if you are currently hurting or healing.

Individuals who are driven by fear, expressing their emotions and coping with challenges in potentially harmful ways. They have yet to embark on a journey of self-improvement and are unaware of their need to face and resolve their inner emotional baggage. 

Common indicators of a hurting mindset include:

  • Fight, flight, or freeze responses are dominant.
  • A tendency to control others, either subtly or overtly.
  • Adoption of coping mechanisms such as consumption (masking the hurt), victimhood (blaming others to avoid the hurt), or aggression (dominating others to mask the hurt).
  • A lack of self-awareness concerning what drives their actions.
  • Prioritizing worldly concerns while ignoring personal emotional baggage. 


While these individuals may be well-intentioned, they are often misguided, not working on the right aspects of their lives.

Individuals who have embarked on a self-improvement journey, actively working on healing past hurts and evolving their perspectives. They embody wholeness and contentment, not driven by the need to fill internal voids.

Indicators of a healing mindset include:

  • High levels of empathy and graciousness towards others.
  • Firm decision-making abilities and the readiness to face challenges.
  • Active engagement in personal and professional growth activities.
  • An energy that is comforting, steady, and grounding, indicating their self-assuredness and contentment.
  • Resistance to manipulation, attributed to their understanding of such intentions.


The truth is, healing people are hard to find. But our logo is a compass for a reason – we find them.

Good news is, the journey of healing is non-linear, and perfect healing does not exist. What matters is the understanding of the need for healing and an active pursuit of betterment in one’s life.

The distinction between hurting vs. healing becomes crucial when applied to the role of a Franchise Broker. A Broker’s mindset significantly influences their actions and their relationships with clients.

Think about this:

There are people who will try to sell a brand to a buyer because of an attractive commission. This is a hurting person.

We all think, “Who would do that? I certainly wouldn’t.” 

But, imagine a scenario where the hurting Broker leads their client through a lengthy 3-5 month process of franchise education – meeting a few times per week, presenting countless brands, and spending hours building the relationship. After some time, it’s clear that perhaps franchising isn’t the best option for this client. However, time is money! The hurting Broker wants something to show for all their hard work. Afterall, they are good at what they do – they “deserve” to get paid. And they wouldn’t let their client pick just any franchise, of course they will make sure the brand checks out.

Recall the introduction to this course, where we said just because a business opportunity is good on paper does not mean it’s the right fit for the buyer.

But the hurting Broker pushes through and closes a high paying deal, ultimately aware of the fact that their client may have signed on a “good” brand, but not one that was right for their unique set of circumstances.

Remember, “We sell GOOD franchises.”

GOOD meaning more than a lucrative brand, but also that it’s in the best interest of the client.

Now imagine this same scenario, but with a healing person as the Broker. After months of hard work, they communicate to their client that franchising may not be the best option, and perhaps they refer them to another business contact who could help in a different avenue. This Broker understands the weight of a franchise investment, and thus makes the right choice to not push their own agenda. By doing so, they become more credible and increase the likelihood of being referred down the line.

Here’s the takeaway: Our Franchise Brokers are not just helpful when it’s advantageous to them, they’re helpful throughout the entire process to get clients where they want to go. No matter if that’s in franchising or not.

FBA’s culture is rooted in this healing mindset. Our Franchise Brokers are consistently helpful, guiding clients to their goals, whether it lies in franchising or elsewhere. Our commitment to this unwavering belief is what makes us selective in our choice of Brokers. To become a Broker with us, you too have to live by this mindset.

So, we’ll conclude this lesson with the most important question so far: Which person are you? Hurting or Healing?

The answer will determine how you move forward in your decision.

  1. Hurting People versus Healing People: We all start off as hurting people, who are driven by fear and often react with fight, flight, or freeze responses. However, as we embark on a journey of self-improvement, we evolve into healing people, who engage actively in personal and professional growth activities and exude an energy of contentment and wholeness.
  2. The Impact of a Healing Broker: A healing Broker can make the ethical and responsible choice to prioritize the interests of their clients over their own, even if it means losing a commission. This results in long-term credibility and trust, which are fundamental in the franchise business.
  3. The Role of Healing People in FBA: At FBA, we prioritize the advancement of human potential, both of our members and the clients they serve. Our members are not just Brokers, but healing individuals who are continuously working towards personal and professional betterment, and in the process, helping others do the same.
  1. What have you done to move into a healing state? 
  2. Do you know people who regularly make decisions from a hurting place?
  3. Do you have a network of people who regularly help you make higher choices? 
  4. Have you ever worked in an environment where you were always treated with the highest respect and honor and were able to make mistakes and continue to be safe?
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